Mold Release
Unequaled Mold Release
Release problems are common when molds have a large surface area. Poly-Ond® provides exceptionalrelease characteristics, particularly on deep or intricate molds. The continuous presence of polymers provides exceptional mold release at the molding surface. Mold release is so good, in fact, that many compression or injection mold customers who use Poly-Ond® on their molds are able to drastically cut, or eliminate entirely, the use of liquid or spray releases.
Poly-Ond® resists heat and resists chemicals released in the molding process, including formaldehyde and hydrochloric acid. Because Poly-Ond® increases mold surface hardness, it helps to extend mold life and cut material consumption. Importantly, Poly-Ond® duplicates exactly the surface it is presented, so molded parts have exactly the same finish.
Poly-Ond® can build up mold surfaces to compensate for miscalculations in material shrinkage. As a result, there is no need to scrap molds just because they’re “a little off.”
Performance In Action
A leading molding firm no longer uses spray releases for the molding of its intricate plastic components. Labor savings have been realized because lubrication time is eliminated. The high lubricity action of the Poly-Ond® plated molds also cuts the rejection rate.
Poly-Ond Performance:
Poly-Ond® is a proprietary, dry, durable, and slippery coating. Poly Plating’s exclusive liquid bath process makes a chemical deposition of nickel and phosphorus, impregnated with polymers, on the surface of metals. The result is a range of unique performance properties unmatched by any other metal plating technology.
Poly-Ond® was developed by Poly-Plating, Inc., a family owned business founded in 1976. Now in its second generation of ownership and management, the company has enjoyed continuing success through technological innovation and customer commitment. We offer normal 3-5 day turnaround from the time work is received until it is ready for shipment. Special rush arrangements made in advance can provide turnaround as fast as 24 hours.
Poly-Plating, Inc., has a long-standing record of environmental stewardship, including surpassing 500 other Massachusetts companies to win the Governor’s Award for Toxic Waste Reduction. We’re cutting costs for our customers while improving the environment.
For more information or to discuss your specific application, please
call 413-593-5477.

Photo enlargement cross section of the coating showing the infusion of high lubricity polymers throughout the thickness of the Poly-Ond® Coating.